Home Spirited Home Bottles Mount Gay Eclipse

Mount Gay Eclipse

An aged rum developed in 1911 and named for the total solar eclipse and the passage of Halley’s comet in 1910, Mount Gay Eclispe is the embodiment of the Mouny Gay style, body, and aroma. It’s more than just a run-of-the-mill, mass-market aged Rum. It is what all reasonably priced, highly commercial aged rums aim to be.

Master Blender Trudiann Branker uses Eclipse as the mental base of all Mount Gay’s spirits, and the result is a golden liquid that instantly transports drinkers to the eastern Caribbean. At around $25, it remains one of the best priced aged Rums per liquid ounce.

On the nose, Mount Gay Eclipse presents distinct aromas of vanilla and bananas that blend seamlessly with notes of caramel, spice, and tropical fruits. The palate has a weighty oak character to it and there are light notes of toast. It’s a medium bodied Rum that tinges to the light side, which makes it excellent for using in cocktails and providing a deeper flavor than the average silver variety.

Founded in 1703, Mount Gay has been producing rum in Barbados for over 300 years and is the world’s oldest commercial rum distillery. The company was named for Sir John Gay Alleyne who managed the Mount Gilboa Plantation/Distilleries after it was purchased by John Sober in 1747. Due to Alleyne’s widely respected reputation internationally as a business manager and community leader, the company was named in his honor after his death in 1801. Since 1989, Rémy Cointreau has been the majority sharehold of Mount Gay Distilleries.

All Mount Gay Rum is made from molasses and water that has been filtered through natural coral. This mix is fermented using an exclusively selected yeast and then distilled in both copper pot stills and column stills, before being aged in oak barrels.




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