World’s Best Vodkas According To The World Vodka Awards 2021

World Vodka Awards 2021

The World Vodka Awards 2021 have announced the winners of its World’s Best Vodka trophies. Royal Mash took home the trophy for World’s Best Varietal Vodka. Fris won World’s Best Pure Neutral Vodka. Pyynikin Korpiklaani Vodka was awarded World’s Best Infused & Botanical Vodka. Ignis Raspberry French Grain Vodka claimed the prize for World’s Best Flavoured Vodka.

The judges described Royal Mash as having “Strong herbal notes on the nose. Mango and tropical esters. Earthy, flinty mineral flavours with savoury, wet leaves tastes and singed grains. Hints of melted butter but remains interestingly dry. Almost tails flavours but intriguing and improves with each re taste. Complex with a medium long finish.”

Speaking about the Fris Vodka, the judges said, “Pepper and fruit on the aroma. Nice clean and palate with notes of fruit and stone. Fair amount of character suggestive of red winter wheat. Nice mouthfeel. Clean finish with a fair amount of warmth here.”

Pyynikin Korpiklaani Vodka was described as, “Strong pine and spruce on the nose with quite a big woody hit on the palate, touch of sweetness at the end. Initially rather vegetal on the nose but this gives way to wonderful delicate pine notes, spruce pollen and resin with caraway but all combined beautifully. Good body with a sweet, resinous start giving way to sweet sticky pine cone, pine cone jamand well handled pepper finish but it is all subtle and suggested. It’s like brushing against young pine trees in the forest. Underpinning this are earthy and musty notes. Understated and beautifully handled, pine can totally overpower if heavy handed. This is exceptional”

Traditionally, the tasting process for the World Vodka Awards takes place in London, as part of the World Drinks Awards program. However, the selected panel of international industry experts was able to complete all tastings from home this year; to ensure the safety of all involved, while still upholding rigorous judging standards. The World Vodka Awards are the global awards selecting the very best in all the internationally recognized styles, to award and promote the world’s best vodka to consumers and trade across the globe.

For a complete list of winners, check out the competition’s official website.


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