The Last Word

The Last Word cocktail

The first time we found ourselves being offered a Last Word, they had us at “Green Chartreuse.” This prohibition-era cocktail isn’t for the weak of heart (or wobbly kneed), but if you’re looking for something stiff, this cocktail won’t disappoint. Made of equal parts Gin, Green Chartreuse, lime juice, and maraschino liqueur, the hard hitting Last Word is sure to impress when ordered at a bar or made in the privacy of your home.

Originally developed at the Detroit Athletic Club, this Gin cocktail was a favorite throughout the 1920s, but disappeared until 2004, when bartender Murray Stenson rediscovered the recipe during his time working at Seattle’s Zig Zag Cafe. Since then, the drink has become a popular addition to cocktail menus the world over.

The reality is we love any drink with equal parts–seriously, have you looked at how many Negroni variations we’ve made–it just makes eye-balling so much easier. It quickens the process for serving and allows you to double with ease. When time is of the essence and you’ve got a large crowd bearing down on you, having an equal parts cocktail to whip up can make all the difference. It also helps that the Last Word is absolutely delicious. 

As previously alluded to, we also love Green Chartreuse, but it’s just not as easy to use in cocktails as we’d like it to be, but with Gin and enough lime, this French liqueur mixes perfectly. The maraschino liqueur is just icing on the cake.


  • 3/4 ounce gin
  • 3/4 ounce fresh-squeezed lime juice
  • 3/4 ounce maraschino liqueur
  • 3/4 ounce Green Chartreuse

Combine Gin, Green Chartreuse, lime juice, and maraschino liqueur in a cocktail shaker. Fill the shaker with ice and shake briskly for 10 seconds. Strain the concoction into a chilled cocktail glass. Voila, a drink is in your hand and in a few moments you’ll be on your butt.


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