Kentucky Distillers Can Now Sell Bourbon Whiskey Online

Kentucky Rose Whiskey Bourbon Online

Until now, if you were a fan of Bourbon Whiskey from Kentucky, you had to head to a store to have it purchased or at that very least have it delivered from an intermediary, such as a Drizly. But thanks to the passage of Kentucky HB 415, retailers and distilleries in the state can now sell Whiskey (and other spirits, beer, and wine) online for the first time.

The passing of HB 415 and the ability for Kentucky distilleries to sell their Whiskey online is of huge importance. Some of the world’s best known brands, such as Jim Beam, Bulleit, Wild Turkey, and Four Roses (just to name a few of the big guns) hail from Kentucky. There is also an impressive craft distilling scene.

Of course, this is immediately good to Kentucky residents, but its also great for consumers in other states with reciprocal laws on the books. This is another big change that has been set in motion by coronavirus, as previously buyers in Kentucky had to purchase alcoholic products in-person.  Consumers can order a maximum of 10 liters of distilled spirits, 10 cases of wine, and/or 10 cases of beer. 

“I am honored to be able to place the first order,” said Representative Kentucky State Representative Adam Koenig, a co-sponsor for HB 415, in a prepared statement. “Hitting ‘complete purchase’ symbolized so much more than buying a great bottle of bourbon. For Kentucky citizens, it means both convenience and expanded options to choose from. It is an extraordinary day for the men and women who work at our distilleries, wineries, and breweries as well as Kentuckians who want a bourbon or glass of wine with dinner.”

“This is bigger than Kentucky. We are now a national model for how to expand opportunities,” Koenig continued. “These changes have been a long time coming but I think it is particularly meaningful that it is implemented now, after so many of these companies have stepped up to manufacture hand sanitizer and other products to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. They answered the call in a powerful way.”

States with reciprocal laws include Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and Washington, D.C.


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