Flor de Caña Announces Sustainable Cocktail Challenge 2022

Flor de Caña Sustainable Cocktail Challenge 2022

Flor de Caña rum has announced the second year of its Sustainable Cocktail Challenge 2022 is open to registrations. The initiative challenges bartenders to innovate and look for ways to create spectacular cocktails using sustainable ingredients and techniques, to reduce overall food waste, and build a community of sustainable champions.

With over 30 countries involved this year, all participants will have access to courses and  training sessions on sustainability and ethical practices taught by industry experts.

One winner will be selected from each participating country, who will compete in Thailand in  October. One regional winner will then be selected to travel to Nicaragua to compete in the  global finale in February 2023 for the chance to win the title of “Flor de Caña World’s Most  Sustainable Bartender” and take home $10,000 USD in prize money.

Last year saw owner of Below Stairs Bar in Leeds UK, Manachain Monaghan, take the title for his drink Steamship, which featured home-made cacao and lime bitters, coffee liqueur made from reused Nicaraguan coffee beans and Fair Trade certified sugar, saline solution  and Flor de Caña 12 Year Rum.

Flor de Caña is also unveiled a new brand ambassador in Australia, Mitch Townsend. With over 11 years’ experience in the Australian hospitality scene, most recently at Nick and Nora’s Melbourne and Cash Only Diner in Sydney, Mitch will be representing the  brand in the search for bartenders practicing sustainability across the country.

“This is one of many programs initiated by Flor de Caña encouraging bartending 

communities across the globe to find ways to integrate greener practices and a sustainable ethos. We’re excited to see the creativity the challenge stirs up, and look forward to seeing the innovations that the Australian bar scene brings to the table,” said Townsend.

Registrations for the Sustainable Cocktail Challenge will be open from May 16 and close June 30 and will be run by Flor de Caña’s Australian distributor Vanguard Luxury Brands. 

For more information, head over to the competition’s official website.


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