Edinburgh Gin Distillery And Visitor Center Reopens To The Public

Edinburgh Gin Distillery And Visitor Center

Edinburgh Gin Distillery and Visitor Center will reopen to the public on August 1st, announced the Scottish spirit producer on their official website. The site had been closed due to the lockdown.

The distillery has officially been awarded Visit Britain’s “We’re Good to Go” stamp of approval, confirming that Edinburgh Gin is adhering to the respective Government and public health guidance, have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment, and have the required processes in place to reopen safely and with confidence.

Tours of the distillery will return and guests will be given the opportunity to dive into the brand’s history and unique world of botanicals. Visitors will be able to view the gin stills through protective windows, while learning about the journey from botanicals to bottle across Edinburgh Gin’s extensive range of classic London Drys, full-strength flavours, and liqueurs. 

Tastings of Edinburgh Gin will also return and take place in a large space at the distillery bar. Preparation of drinks and tasting vessels will be carried out by staff in full PPE and all drinks will be served from closed bottles, poured by visitors themselves. Tastings will be limited to a maximum of eight people from four households and tickets must be booked in advance, released for sale on a monthly basis, with up to four, one-hour tours available per day.

While on site, visitors will be asked wear masks as they moved about the premises. Dedicated hygiene stations with hand sanitizer will be accessible throughout the facilities. Staff will wear Perspex visors, allowing to engage with guests while sharing the tales of Edinburgh Gin and its range of spirits.

Located in the Scottish capital’s West End, Edinburgh Gin distillery and visitor center are ranked in the top 20 of Edinburgh Visitor Attractions on Tripadvisor.

Tasting Experience slots can only be booked via Edinburgh Gin’s official booking site.


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