Drunk Buffalo Herd Leads Authorities To Illegal Liquor Stash

drunk buffalo

Drunk buffalo led to the arrest of three farmers in India, who were selling illegal alcohol. The boozed up buffs got drunk on the farmers’ moonshine.

Police seized over 100 bottles of moonshine from the buffaloes’ stable and arrested the three farmers for selling illegal alcohol in the dry state of Gujarat, reported The Times of India.

According to the report, one of the farmers had called a vet when the buffaloes stopped eating and started frothing at the mouth. The next day, those same buffaloes began jumping around their stable and the farmers felt compelled to call out another vet.

This second veterinarian noticed a strange smell coming from the buffaloes’ trough, and discovered that the water inside was an odd share of yellow. The farmers claimed the color was from branches that had fallen into the water, but the vet reported them to the authorities. Police raided the stable and found bottles of vodka, whiskey, and other liquor hidden in the animals’ trough.

“They probably drank the water laced with liquor from the damaged liquor bottles,” the police told The Times of India, adding that the buffaloes have since sobered up.

In other Indian spirits news, Paul John unveiled its latest Indian Single Malt Whisky, Mithuna, in May. The new offering is named after the Indian counterpart of the Zodiac sign Gemini. It is the second release in Paul John Single Malts’ Zodiac series.

In March, Amrut Distilleries entered the craft Gin market with Nilgiris Indian Dry Gin. The Bangalore-based company is best known for its range of award-winning Indian single malt Whiskies. This new addition to the wheelhouse of Amrut is handcrafted at the Bangaluru distillery in locally-sourced copper pots. Made with botanicals from Nilgiris and imported juniper berries the gin promises and delivers as expected.

In February, Sanghera Rum Company launched Five Rivers Indian White Spiced Rum. The new offering is “the world’s first dry Indian spiced rum,” according to the London-based brand.



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