Category: Cocktails



Like many of the best things to come out of the 1920s, the Boulevardier was created by an American residing in Paris. Similar in ingredients, but completely different in feel from a...

Old Fashioned

When Don Draper single handedly brought the Old Fashioned back into fashion, the Mad Men leading man also signaled a revival to the cocktail scene. Bartenders across the globe started to look...

Singapore Sling

There’s a point in the classic 80s flick Cocktail where Tom Cruise’s character Brian Flanagan refers to himself as “the last barman poet,” and he spits out a variety of mixed drink...

The Last Word

The first time we found ourselves being offered a Last Word, they had us at “Green Chartreuse.” This prohibition-era cocktail isn’t for the weak of heart (or wobbly kneed), but if you’re...


The margarita is a true classic. We watched our parents down them till they were silly at the oversized neighborhood Mexican join with the inexplicable koi pond. For many, it was the...

French Negroni

The Negroni has its base in Italy and the combination of Italian Vermouth and Campari with Gin, but it’s always fun to make a twist on your favorite drinks and that’s what...

One Day in Islay

We came across the One Day in Islay cocktail by Gunther Strobl via The Botanist, and immediately found ourselves intoxicated with the idea of a nettle tea cocktail. We’re somewhat obsessed with...

Moscow Mule

Vodka, ginger beer, and lime juice, the Moscow Mule is one of the simplest cocktails out there and remains a favorite across the United States. When made properly, it’s served in a...
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