Bill Nye Brings the Science to Bombay Sapphire and Explains Why Gin and Tonic Tastes so Good


To celebrate National Gin and Tonic Day and the launch of it’s new ready-to-drink Bombay Sapphire and Tonic canned products Bombay Sapphire have called on TV’s science guy, Bill Nye, to create a series of informative videos to explain exactly why gin and tonic tastes so good.  

Speaking about the launch and videos, Natasha Curtin, vice-president of global marketing at Bombay Sapphire, said that videos explained “why the specific 10 botanicals used in the vapor-infusing production process of Bombay Sapphire pair so well with the flavor of premium tonic water.” 

The first installment debuted on Nye’s Instagram page last week,  where Bill explained that “Juniper berries are the basis of all gins….As you know, they release an oil consisting of cadinene, camphene, terpineol and alpha-pinene. This is what creates the tart, bright, herbaceous flavor we gin lovers love. The lemon peel creates a surprisingly melon-like flavor, cassia bark adds cinnamon notes, and grains of paradise are… grains. Of paradise. Who doesn’t want that in their drink?”

Nye became a cultural touchstone and beloved role model in the 1990s with Bill Nye the Science Guy. Known for making science fun and accessible, he has since starred in his own Netflix series. In the past year, Nye has grown increasingly popular as questions surrounding the authority of science dominate the media and shape the discourse on everything from climate change to how public officials should handle the pandemic. Those who grew up watching his show – now in their 20s and 30s – have flocked to TikTok and Instagram en masse to follow along as he breaks down the science behind space, cooking, the effectiveness of masks in preventing the spread of viruses and much more.

​“We knew that Bill Nye was a big fan of Bombay Sapphire and appreciated the bright, clean taste of our gin,” says Curtin. ”We thought that it would be interesting to invite him into our world to explore why the brand is such a hit.”

Noting an increase in demand for convenient RTD options, the Bombay Sapphire & Tonic canned product was launched in the UK in April. Today the product debuts in the US alongside a Bombay Sapphire & Light Tonic, a lower-calorie option. Curtin says the brand aims to “deliver a premium iteration of the classic gin and tonic and a bartender-quality serve that doesn’t sacrifice flavor for convenience.”

While Curtin admits Nye may be an “out-of-the-box choice” to promote a cocktail from the 19th century, she believes he will help Bombay “create brand affinity in an unexpected manner that piques curiosity and maybe evokes a bit of nostalgia for those who remember his show from the 90s.”

As for the future of Bombay Sapphire, Curtin says the gin giant has big plans underway. “We have some exciting launches in the works for 2021 that will continue to push the boundaries of flavor and convenience in the rapidly growing gin and ready to drink category.”

If you’re interested in the history of the cocktail, check out Gin & Tonic… a brief history.


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